Sürgősségi ügyelet

Kutyák és macskák
részére 0-24-ig



English Information

We are open 24/7.
For cats and dogs, our hospital is always open and available.

For rabbits, rodents and other exotic animals, we can only provide care through our specialist doctor (pre-booked appointments are always required!).

If your pet’s issue is not urgent, it is advised to book an appointment during weekdays (even if it is a cat or a dog). You can book an appointment via phone (+36 1 350 0361, +36 1 350 1166).
If you wish to book an appointment to one of our specialists, you can use our online booking system here.

Our daily hours:

Between 8 am – 9 am we are only taking clients who are arriving for scheduled surgeries (pre-booked appointment needed, only on weekdays). 9 am – 1 pm general care service hours (appointments are advised). 1 pm – 2 pm disinfecting/sterilizing the hospital. 2 pm – 8 pm general care service hours (appointments are advised, only available until 7 pm). 8 pm – 8 am night shift, only urgent patient care available (during this time reception and phone lines are not available).



Specialist doctors (appointments are available here):


Ultrasound and cardiological examinations:
Dr. Vrabély Tamás

Monday: 9:30-13:30
Tuesday: 16:00-21:30
Thursday: 9:30-13:30

Dr. Kisgergely Judit

Tuesday: 10:00-18:00
Thursday: 10:00-15:00

Specialised care for surgical patients:
Dr. Sík Nikolett

(On alternate days): 9:00-10:00

Small mammal (rabbit, guinea pig, hamster, ferret) and certain exotic animals care:
Dr. Matskási Imola

Friday: 15:00-18:30

Urolithiasis, laser urinary stone extraction, endoscopic urinary stone removal:
Dr. Bende Balázs PhD