Sürgősségi ügyelet
Kutyák és macskák
részére 0-24-ig
English Information

We are open 24/7.
For cats and dogs, our hospital is always open and available.
For rabbits, rodents and other exotic animals, we can only provide care through our specialist doctor (pre-booked appointments are always required!).
Our daily hours:
Between 8 am – 9 am we are only taking clients who are arriving for scheduled surgeries (pre-booked appointment needed, only on weekdays). 9 am – 1 pm general care service hours (appointments are advised). 1 pm – 2 pm disinfecting/sterilizing the hospital. 2 pm – 8 pm general care service hours (appointments are advised, only available until 7 pm). 8 pm – 8 am night shift, only urgent patient care available (during this time reception and phone lines are not available).
Budapest, 1135 (XIII. kerület) Lehel u. 43
+36 1 350 0361
+36 1 350 1166
Access to our parking lot is available exclusively via Lehel Street. To exit, you can leave through Hun Street, with the exit located behind our main building.
Specialist doctors (appointments are available here):
Ultrasound and cardiological examinations:
Dr. Vrabély Tamás
Monday: 9:30-13:30
Tuesday: 16:00-21:30
Thursday: 9:30-13:30
Dr. Kisgergely Judit
Tuesday: 10:00-18:00
Thursday: 10:00-15:00
Specialised care for surgical patients:
Dr. Sík Nikolett
(On alternate days): 9:00-10:00
Small mammal (rabbit, guinea pig, hamster, ferret) and certain exotic animals care:
Dr. Matskási Imola
Friday: 15:00-18:30
Urolithiasis, laser urinary stone extraction, endoscopic urinary stone removal:
Dr. Bende Balázs PhD